Top Three Cloud Trends to Watch Through 2020

It’s an exciting period for Cloud technologies in the market. Back in the year 2015, we have seen tremendous growth in cloud technology. We have also seen that both established businesses and startups have mainly dealt with those technologies that are essentially cloud-based. Industry players are racing towards the cloud as they want a front-row seat in this newfound revolution. That’s why the Cloud market is progressing rapidly, and the latest buzz is that Cloud is going to surpass our expectations.

A major part of IT spending will be based on Cloud. According to a recently published research data, by the year 2020, a healthy 60% to 70% of IT infrastructure will comprise software services and technology spending.

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Are you Deploying your Healthcare IT in The Cloud? Prime is Here to Help

In a recent article that I read from HIMSS Analytics’ about cloud computing adoption specifically in healthcare organizations found that an astonishing 83% of IT executives reported they are using cloud services.Leading the charge specifically, are SaaS-based applications as the most ought after of all healthcare provider organization opportunities at an astonishing (66.9%). This popularity was stimulated by low maintained costs, speed to deployment, and to overcome staffing challenges.

Cloud Based Systems

Therefore, an increasing number of healthcare organizations are paying attention and are planning to invest. Especially, when providers bridge customers’ expectations and organization’s functionality, then they can revamp the way they work for growth. Technological advances are challenging healthcare providers, and they are listening and improving where necessary to accommodate.

Cloud is the most sought after on-demand computing and its potential unlocks and inspires. Therefore, new solutions are in demand and are evolving; Healthcare organizations are continuing to look for hosting while maintaining all of their patient archived data, back up disaster recovery, and hosting operational apps into one closed loop eco-system.

Prime’s healthcare cloud services help organizations to become data driven without compromising on the quality of care. There are organizations who still fear Data Breach when they think of investing on cloud. Prime’s cloud services for healthcare are exclusively designed to deliver the highest standards in security and HIPAA Compliance.

If you have found this topic of interest and would like a comprehensive assessment for your healthcare organization? Managing and monitoring organization’s workflows are easy just ask me how my solution may just be exactly what you need. Contact me today.

Is The Cloud A Part Of Your Omnichannel Retail Solution?

Customers love retailers who provide excellent customer service and omnichannel retailing has become the premier tool to deliver the most satisfying customer experience. Achieving customers’ ideas of excellent service is now easier than ever! A mere email campaign for a targeted customer group can bring more business than relying on sending spam emails.

Customers seek excellent customer service, however they don’t ponder what retailers are doing to achieve it. For instance, if you stop and ask someone on their way to home about the best omnichannel retailer that they have come across, they reply to you with a frown. Ask the same question without mentioning the word “omnichannel,” now you can expect a retailer name as an answer; ask them why they felt that retailer is the best, the answer would be – because the retailer had provided the best customer service. Most shoppers are uninterested in how retailers’ businesses work; they do care about whether the retailer has any concerns about what they want or need.

Therefore,  to deliver the best customer service, cloud-based omnichannel retail solutions are the right way to go.

Integrated Retail Channels

Integrated Retail Channels

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