Road Side Assistance with Customized Telematics App

Telematics has provided the vehicle owners with many features that mitigate the risks in driving, saving fuel, improving driving behavior, etc. Yet, the customers want more in terms of service, which means telematics application providers on their toes to meet the emerging demands of the vehicle owners.

GPS enabled telematics applications are redefining the service for vehicle owners. Today the battle cry is for roadside assistance for every emergency. Today’s busy world makes us to pay little attention on a few vital things. One such is losing keys after parking in one location. Don’t get panic. There are solutions to track your keys with the help of GPS enabled remote sensors in a telematics application. To locate your keys what you need to do is make use of the NFC (near-filed communication) that enables data exchange in your mobile device and the lost or misplaced key.

Xemplar Roadside assistance

Roadside assistance is an important feature in the telematics application that deals with frequently reported problems such as vehicle breakdown, fuel tank empty, loss of keys, etc.

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Prime’s Xemplar Telematics App Is a Cut above the Rest!

It’s Xemplar telematics app show all the way. The mobile app, downloadable on smartphones tablets and other devices, utilizes informatics and mobile communications methods to give statistics that insurance carriers need to craft policies and premiums that reflect driving patterns. Xemplar is just not another “app for that”.

Is your insurance company looking to expand your customer base? Are you looking to nurture your current clients, to build upon and establish partnerships that deliver tangible business benefits to your customers? If the answer is yes, then you can count on us.

telematics system
New trends are always on the horizon. 2G network, is soon going to be a thing of the past. 3G is currently in vogue and now 4G is on the horizon! The kind of faster networks and greater bandwidths these high-speed networks provide is unparalleled. We find that change in telematics is the one constant even as another new technology emerges rapidly to revolutionize the current setup for better, faster and, perhaps, cheaper in terms of affordability and appeal to customers.

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Telematics and Data Security: Do Mobile Telematics Service Providers Have Answers?

Data security is casting doubts on hype about telematics. At this stage, mobile telematics solutions with embedded layer of security offer hope.

Usage-based insurance (UBI) has its distinct advantages to cover more drivers due to its direct connection between insurance carriers and drivers. But skeptics doubt that this has its disadvantages over data security. According to The Insurance Research Council,consumers have their own doubts over insurance carriers as stewards of personal data. The survey states 81% of them were concerned that “information about driving habits might be misused by the insurance company.”

Mobile Telematics Service

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Insurers Can Achieve Exemplary Growth with ‘Xemplar’

While lower premiums and low claims bonuses had been the major drawbacks that featured traditional auto insurance domains, competition in the insurance industry prods them to adopt smart technologies. It is my sincere hope that ‘Insurance Telematics Canada 2016 Conference and Exhibition’ on 28-29 April at Double Tree Hilton, Toronto will educate the insurers on how Telematics will revolutionize auto insurance market.

How telematics is shaping the auto insurance, how new market leaders are going to be emerged in the insurance industry, depends on mobile technology adoption. Today businesses are strategic like never before as clinging to traditional models will make existing businesses losing out in competition. According to Greg Keenan – auto industry reporter, auto makers sold 1.898 million vehicles in Canada and 17.42 million vehicles in the U.S. during 2015. Of course, the vehicle population is growing, so is the demand for auto insurance for millennials and Gen Z demography. In U.S. 48 percent of millennials feel, basic health insurance is a right for all people. This shows there is a perception favoring the insurance industry. Driving behavior has the potential to dictate health and life of people. It is in this context it makes sense to treat auto insurance on par with life insurance, isn’t it?

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