How Mobile Devices are Making Roads Safer

Smartphones. Tablets. Wireless headphones. Smart watches. These gadgets keep popping up everywhere, with countless new additions and tweaks and perks designed to make the owners’ lives easier, more luxurious . . . simply better.

These smart mobile devices and “wearables” can often feel like frivolous purchases, or even a waste of time for companies to invest in. Quite the opposite, however, is true. For every indulgent new game app you can buy to spend time on your iPhone, there exists a real tool for users and businesses to improve lives and safety around the world.

Yes, safety. But doesn’t using mobile devices on the road increase the chances of accidents and injury? Of course they can — unless you know how to use them.

Mobile Insurance Options

Find Your Mobile Insurance Solution

A growing number of auto insurance carriers are beginning to switch from old self-reported methods of determining policies and premiums for their clients to usage-based insurance (UBI), resulting in safer roads and driving practices for all. How do they do this?

Mobile telematics applications allow insurance providers to engage with their policyholders on their own territory – through smartphones and other mobile devices. By collecting real-time data of the driver’s individual habits, frequent routes and destinations, and even traffic and weather conditions at the time of accident, these smart devices allow customized mobile apps to help drivers stay safe. In addition, these same applications offer feedback tailored to each specific user, thereby improving your clients’ records and making roads safer.

In addition, the highest quality mobile telematics systems feature video and image capture and video and audio statement capabilities, allowing drivers to physically hear and see what goes wrong behind the wheel and maintain correct behaviors. In this same vein, the best telematics applications also feature teen driving programs that set safety parameters for teens and other beginner drivers.

Safety, more information, and greater trust in the business-to-client relationship? Thanks to the ubiquity of smart mobile devices, these are no longer pipe dreams — but the very fabric of the auto insurance industry. What could be better?